We develop medium to enterprise web and mobile applications. We work with CMS platforms like Umbraco, Optimizely, and WordPress, as well as creating custom SaaS applications. We develop on both the Microsoft stack and Open Source stack using Azure, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, C#, JavaScript, React, React Native, Xamarin, Angular, NodeJS, and RESTful API’s building lightweight modern applications.


We're looking for a capable Senior Java Developer who is energetic and passionate about using the latest technologies, and eager to grow by working on web and mobile software applications, custom software apps, API integrations and more.

As the senior developer you will need to have a deep specialized knowledge beyond your peers in cloud technologies and provide technical solutions to enterprise problems. You will be responsible for setting up of the design patterns, libraries, frameworks and processes. You have to be aware how the organization and business partners work and be able to adapt, within the frameworks, to deliver.


  • Minimum of 5+ years' experience in Java
  • Agile/Scrum Tool set, preferably Atlassian
  • AWS experience (S3, cloudformation scripts, Lamda’s, SES, SQS and step functions)
  • Experience in distributed source control systems, like BitBucket
  • JSP, Java 11, Object Orientation Programming
  • Experience with microservices
  • Hands on experience in a DevOps environment


  • Analyse and understand business requirements in the context of the current business environment in conjunction with Product Manager, Business Analysts and Solution Architects.
  • Develop and document design and maintain source base.
  • Create conceptual, logical and physical solutions, using appropriate coding techniques and methodologies.
  • Identify suitable coding solution(s) and alternatives that address the business needs/requirements of key stakeholders from the business, solution delivery and operations areas.
  • Develop solutions according to standards and best practice for front-end, back-end and integration to other solutions.
  • Maintain development principles and quality compliance criteria to deliver according to commitments.
  • Integrate design for maintainability, scalability and efficiency.
  • Coordinate with Architects and business stakeholders to determine functionalities.
  • Complete deliverables throughout the system development life cycle for compliance according to agreed plan.
  • Work within the frameworks of both waterfall SDLC and Agile (SCRUM) methodologies.
  • Experiencing in designing systems to take advantage of true cloud architecture, preferably AWS.
  • Thoughtful and clear understanding of program and project goals and needs.
  • Applied code review and QA changes as requested.
  • Successful deployment through quality gates.
  • Coding to industry best practice.
  • Technical competency in DSL technology stack.
  • Research, understand and stay up to date with current trends in online channels and related Information Technology.
  • Setting up and maintaining technical infrastructure


  • You set a high bar for yourself and your team’s engineering skills
  • You possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills (oral and written)
  • You provide technical leadership and mentor more junior engineers
  • You develop high quality maintainable code to meet complex changing environment
  • You enjoy fixing and improving technical debt across existing applications
  • You seriously test your changes before hitting the main branch
  • You continuously deliver improvements to a project solution
  • You have solid analytical and problem-solving skills and strong attention to detail
  • You learn quickly and like to stay current with new technologies


Code lovers and geeks with interesting hobby projects. They are collaborators and enjoy contributing to communities. They like to exceed expectations, want to learn and improve through doing great work experience & achieving results. Honest, ethical, punctual and professional with a sense of humor! Technical thinkers that can communicate well with both clients, internal teams and non-techies.